Friday, November 6, 2020
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Whales explanation
Whales are widely spread and marine mammals. There are 90 species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises, known collectively as "cetaceans" From the big blue whale to the tiny vigueta and the New Zealand dolphin, you will find information and good facts about many of these incredible creatures in our species guidance.
What do whales eat?
Whales eat fish, krill, squid, octopus, larve, small crabs, lots of crustaceans, and lots of benthic animals.
The blue whale
The blue whale is the largest animal that ever lived and can grow up to 90 feet or more and weigh as much as 24 elephants! Crazy right.
The Gray whale
The gray whale, also known as the grey whale, gray back whale, Pacific gray whale, or California gray whale, is a baleen whale that migrates between feeding and breeding grounds yearly. It grows to a length of 14.9 meters, a weight of 36 tonnes, and lives between 55 and 70 years.
The killer whale
The killer whale, also known as orca, is a toothed whale belonging to the oceanic dolphin family, of which it is the largest member. Killer whales have a diverse diet, although populations often specialize in particular types of prey. I think they are picky if you ask me.
By Max
Monday, September 7, 2020
Water pollution
Amu Darya River is the river that was drained because of plastic. So this is why I’m going to write about the Amu Darya River.
In Moynaq town, a fishing spot on the Aral Sea has been there Since the 1960's the Aral Sea has drained over 75% of its water, just because of the diversion of the upstream rivers that were used [probably still working] for cotton plantation.
It used to be the fourth-largest lake in the world. Believe it or not! The result, of course, is global warming! DING! High temperature means no more fish. And I for one love fish and chips so come on people indulge your brain! [said by Jim Carry].
From bIG pieces of garbage to invisible pieces, a wide range of plastic ends up in our lakes, rivers, streams, and eventually, the oceans. Water pollution, along with drought. exploding! The population of plastic has flowed to the freshwater crisis, threatening the sources we rely on for drinking that nice and yummy[yet tasteless] water.
My research has revealed that one pollution, in particular, is way more common in our tap water than anyone had ever thought. PFAS, [short for poly and perfluoroalkyl substances] PFAS is used to make everyday items resistant to moisture, heat, and stains some of these chemicals have such long-half lives that they are known as “the forever chemical.” LOL! So in conclusion all plastic found in the ocean should be permanently banned.
By Max
One day a pug named AGENT PUG went on a secret mission to help Mr chicken save the WORLD! It was crazy because he had pew-pew guns. He was a stealth master, he could climb walls, roofs, and open doors without being heard. On one mission he had to save Mr, chicken from the one and only, KILLER CROC! He had big muscles and a bunch of security all over the place. He was a crazy Pug shot through the wall and took them out, OLD SCHOOL! Once he got the victim he went out with fashion, with a classic explosion right behind them!
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Characters: Chase(Max),Tim(Max),Jim(Quinn),
mom(Quinn) and Police(Max)
Scene: Library
Shelves close in on chase and squash him to
What was that? Never mind.
Has anyone found what we are looking for?
Chase? Are you there?
(cries and screams because he found chase
(runs to Jim) What happened?
(still crying) Look (pointing to chase)
(Farts) He looks like a waffle.
(opens the door and closers then Walk's in and
sees chase's hand then calls the police)
30 minutes later…
(walks in) Oh my god, what happened.
We don't know or care
Wow! (walks to chases dead corps and grabs
What are you doing?
I'm taking it home to my girlfriend because
she does not have arms. (leaves) later losers.
(Looks at Jim) Was he even a policeman?
Probably not.
Ok let's go home now and dump chase
in a dumpster.
Can we get a dog or a cat?
We should get a dog.
No, we should get a cat.
Fight to the death for the win, whoever wins the
fight gets to decide which animal to get the dog
or cat.
(Gets a sword)
(A spear)
(Stab Jim in the heart)
Mummy help me I got stabbed.
You are also going into the dumpster.
(Tim playing with a puppy)
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
Monday, July 20, 2020
piggy bank.
Monday, June 29, 2020
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Monday, June 22, 2020
Friday, June 19, 2020
Trench warfare
Trench warfare is a type of land warfare using repeatedly fighting lines largely military trenches when troops were well protected from the enemy's small arms fire and were substantially sheltered from artillery. Trench warfare that lasted for several years took place on the Western Front in World War I. I would not like to have been alive then.
Trench warfare works by offering soldiers a contiguous cover/shelter that would keep them from getting shot by multiple bullets! They were also helpful to the medics that would heal the wounded soldiers.
There's more but my teacher just growled at me so that's it.
There's more but my teacher just growled at me so that's it.
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Thursday, April 16, 2020
E Sports gaming day!!!
On Monday, the 13th of December, at Ahipara school. Room 3 and 5 had a gaming day where people from E-Sports came to our school and set up 1...
Taking flight He was a young bird, a few weeks old actually. He was the odd one out, all the other birds could fly but for some reason h...
On Monday the 14th of June, in room 3 at Ahipara school. We learned about E-sports and other gaming stuff like how to enter a tournament, wh...