Tuesday, December 14, 2021

E Sports gaming day!!!

On Monday, the 13th of December, at Ahipara school. Room 3 and 5 had a gaming day where people from E-Sports came to our school and set up 10 gaming pc's and talked to us about gaming careers and what it's like to be in the gaming industry. We split into four groups and got to game for an hour each. They also bought us limo pizzas for lunch.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Refugee book

At ahipara school during term 3, room 3 started reading a book about refugees and started to understand more about what they go through and what tragic events happen to them. It's about three refugee familys that had to leave their countrys due to the war, they go through more than a person should and struggle to leave their country for their own safety.

Friday, August 6, 2021

mufti day

 On Friday 6th of August 2021 Ahipara school had a mufti day, we had to dress up at our favorite book character or in mufti.  

Monday, June 14, 2021

Get into gaming!!!

On Monday the 14th of June, in room 3 at Ahipara school. We learned about E-sports and other gaming stuff like how to enter a tournament, where the magic happens, what the steps are for creating a game, how many people it takes to create a game, and how long it usually takes to create a game.

I myself am a gamer and really enjoyed the lesson and wish to learn more about gaming and E-sports.

E Sports gaming day!!!

On Monday, the 13th of December, at Ahipara school. Room 3 and 5 had a gaming day where people from E-Sports came to our school and set up 1...